Organization projects are collaborative sheet music folders that can be shared with other members of the organization, with rights and restrictions applied based on the role of members.

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Creating an organization project

Organization projects can only be created and managed from Newzik Web, and only by organization admins and owners.

To create a new organization project, open the projects tab and click on the + button in the top-right corner. Name your project, use the dropdown list to select your organization and click on "Create project".

In the list of projects, a label will differentiate organization projects from normal projects.

Adding members to an organization project

To add members to your organization project, click on the "i" button to open the project details. Click on "+ Add members" to choose users from the list.

Please note that only project admins can add members to organization projects.

Defining roles and managing project members

There are two possible roles for members of an organization project, with different rights and restrictions for each role:

  • Project admin
  • and project member

In the list of users in a project, a crown icon next to the usernames serves to identify the admins of the project. In the list of projects, a crown icon will be displayed next to a project title if you are an admin of that project.

Admins and members do not have the same rights on the project, and members are prevented by default to perform certain modifying or potentially destructive actions (such as deleting a piece from the project).

To see the full list of rights and restrictions, see this article.

By default, the creator of an organization project becomes its admin. Project admins can manage members and their roles with the following actions:

  • Promote a project member to the role of project admin: click on the crown button in the list of members.

  • Downgrade a project admin to the role of project member: click on the crown button in the list of admins.

  • Remove an admin or member from the project: click on the red "Remove" button.

Caution: if you remove members from a project, they will lose access to the pieces it contains, and their private layers will be deleted. The ownership of their public and shared layers will be automatically transferred to a project admin.

Leaving an organization project

Both project admins and project members can leave organization projects by clicking on the red "leave" button next to their name in the list of members.

Please note that there should always be at least one project admin in an organization project. If you are the only admin of an organization project, you will have to promote another member to admin before you can leave it.

Caution: by leaving an organization project, a project member or admin will lose access to the pieces it contains, and their private layers will be deleted. The ownership of their public and shared layers will be automatically transferred to a project admin.

Deleting an organization project

Only project admins can delete organization projects. To delete a project, click on the trash icon next to the title of the corresponding project in the list of projects.

Caution: deleted projects and their contents cannot be restored and will be deleted for all project members and admins.