Our Publishing Web Platform allows music publishers to sell or rent out digital sheet music directly through Newzik, in a protected format with the following restrictions:

  • Number of authorized users: the number of Newzik users that will be able to view and edit the material (unauthorized users will see a watermark preventing them from viewing the material)
  • Expiration date (for hires only): after the expiration date, users will see a watermark preventing them from viewing the material
  • Printing option: the material can be protected against printing and export

This watermark is displayed on all pages when the license expires or when you do not have the necessary amount of licenses.

The following explains how to proceed to order such material and receive it in Newzik.

Ordering the Material

To order digital sheet music directly from a music publisher into your Newzik account, you can either directly contact the music publisher like you usually do for print orders, per email or telephone, and ask for a digital delivery in Newzik, or use Zinfonia and check the Newzik delivery option when ordering material.

In any case, you will have to provide the publisher with the following information:

  1. The email address of your Newzik account.
  2. The number of authorized users you require: the total number of users needing to use the material, including yourself (e.g. yourself + 20 musicians in the orchestra + 1 conductor + 1 guest soloist + 1 substitute = 24 licenses).
  3. The expiration date: for hires only. Choose a date at least one day after the last concert where the material is needed.
  4. The option to print or export the material: you can specify whether or not you will need to print or export the music.
  5. The material you need.

The publisher will then enter in contact with a quote and with information about the availability of the digital material. All financial details must be agreed before the publisher sends you the desired material.

-> NEXT: How to receive and open publisher material in Newzik?