In Newzik, all your sheet music and edits will be safely saved in the cloud and accessible from anywhere, as long as your device is connected to an internet network. If needed, you can install Newzik on any device and instantaneously recover all your music by logging into your account.

You can also use Newzik offline: your digital sheet music and edits will be saved locally on your device and will be uploaded to the Newzik cloud as soon as you retrieve an internet connection.

A syncing banner will appear at the top of the library screen when your account is synchronizing, with different statuses:

  • "Uploading changes": your new files and/or edits are being uploaded from your device to the Newzik cloud
  • "Fetching data": some edits made on your account or in a project you are a member off are being downloaded to your device
  • "Downloading files": some new files that have been added to your account or to a project you are a member of are being downloaded to your device
  • "Synced": all edits and new files have been synced successfully to and from the Newzik cloud
  • "Offline": your device does not have an active internet connection

You can also check the synchronization status of your account in the sync dashboard, located in the account section of the Newzik app. If you find that some edits and/or files have not been properly synced, click on the "Synchronize now" button to force the synchronization process.

The sync dashboard, located in the account section,

provides information on the synchronization status of your account
